“Sending love to everyone who is trying their best to heal from the things that they don’t discuss”
Over the last few years we have seen so much more transparency and openness about mental health. Still a long way to go but there has been progress. On #worldmentalhealthday (10 October) there were so many posts on this through social media platforms which is encouraging as it becomes far more mainstream, accepted and spoken about.
Personally I was not sensitive to how pronounced the issue is but had a reality check when loved ones went through some very difficult times. I saw how getting out of bed in the mornings, taking a shower, or going to the shops seemed impossible. Fortunately they have shown tremendous strides in recovery but it is a journey and small steps everyday lead to bigger positive outcomes
I am far more aware now, as you just don’t know what people are going through, and what might push them over the edge. Being kind is one of my core mantras as this can make a difference in someone’s day.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you don’t feel happy and are often in a state of anxiousness, tell someone. Don’t be embarrassed – I know most people don’t want to talk about it- but reach out, let people know.
I find that there are times where you need to relax and take time out for yourself.
During the work day ideas that can be helpful include:
- Hit the pause button: make time during the day to take breaks and pause
- Look out the window
- Let your shoulders drop
- Stretch
- Get up and go for a walk (I like to get fresh air/oxygen to the brain)
- Breathing
- Closing your eyes and just breathing in or out can calm the mind
Away from work things that work for me are
- going to the gym (spinning, HIIT)- releasing those feel good endorphins
- lighting scented candles at home
- running a hot bath
- taking our dog for a walk
- exploring a new coffee shop
Some other things which may work include:
- switching off mobile phones, computers, tablets (screen free time)
- spending time on a hobby
- meditation / yoga / pilates – for those who enjoy that form of exercise
- walking
- connecting with nature
- watching movies or reading a book
- meeting a friend – hearing different perspective / laughter.
The key thing is not to look for a crutch to get you through these moments. Stimulants such as cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs, whilst maybe providing a short-term fix, just don’t have long term benefits.
I have purposefully posted this blog a day after #worldmentalhealthday as it is not about recognising mental health on one single day, it’s about gaining knowledge, sharing information and constantly evolving. It is ok to ask for help and to talk about how you are feeling
Keep going! You matter!!
“Make yourself a priority” “It’s okay, not to be okay”