As I have spent more time on personal development in the latter part of this year (more so than ever before in my career) as well as learning how prevalent anxiety and stress is all around us, I have thought about different ways to help reduce stress. As we get…

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Developing a Positive Mindset.

  Over the last few months, I have been actively focusing on personal development and investing in myself. Finding your Why, and developing the right Mindset are critical pillars to establishing and achieving your goals. Definition of Positive: “Full of hope or Confidence”;  or  “a desirable or constructive quality or attribute”…

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Water- The supply is not infinite!

A bit of a rant here. Water is such a precious commodity and one that many people take for granted. One of my biggest bugbears is when people just leave the tap running at the gym whilst they are shaving or doing their hair etc. So many people struggle with…

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