By making small changes to your thought patterns, you can make a huge difference in realising your potential. Wake up with a positive intention as it sets the tone for the day. Smile at a stranger although appreciate wearing a face mask in Covid times makes it harder.??.
How often do you criticize yourself or put yourself down and say you can’t or you aren’t good enough? You will be surprised what you can actually do if you give yourself the chance? #maxxmindset #mindset2success #jamesedwardscoaching #unlockyourpotential #pursueyourdreams #mindsetiseverything #mindsetshift #getoutofyourownway
You can think about many different ways to do things, talk yourself into reasons why you can’t do it now, and overthink it. The truth is the time will never be right. JUST START! TAKE THE FIRST STEP AND KEEP MOVING!
Your mindset is your set of beliefs that affects how you think, feel and behave. It is the foundation of your success and happiness. A confident mindset can help you become happy, successful, less anxious and unlock YOUR potential. A negative mindset can hold your back and prevent you from…
Achieving your goals successfully is a result of consistent and persistent action or as one of my favourite hashtags says #bebetterthanyesterday. Jumping in and out of things won’t build long term success.
We often play mind games or find excuses when we want to do something but procrastinate and delay starting or getting it done. this quote summarises that to a T.
Some days we all just go about our routine doing the things we like. I am guilty of this I know. Put another way, we stay in our comfort zone. it inspires me to read about people that push themselves to do things that make them uncomfortable- that is how…
This quote below can be seen on various social media sites but in today’s competitive world, I believe many starting out in their careers perceive they don’t have what it takes or need money to succeed. Sadly many of the points here are often overlooked as a lot of people…
I came upon this quote and it resonated with me. We have 1 life and really need to make the most of it and not look back and say …if only I had done that…. The words in the picture below say it all.
As you can probably see from earlier posts, my mantra is to try and make the most everyday and “be better than yesterday” This quote captures that theme in another way which I like and thought I would share: