Developing a Positive Mindset.


Over the last few months, I have been actively focusing on personal development and investing in myself. Finding your Why, and developing the right Mindset are critical pillars to establishing and achieving your goals.

Definition of Positive“Full of hope or Confidence”;  or  “a desirable or constructive quality or attribute”

Definition of Mindset: The established set of attitudes held by someone”; or “A person’s way of thinking and their opinions”.

Some of the key things I have learnt and tried to implement in my daily life are:

  1. Disciplined daily focus: I use a productivity planner at the beginning and end of the day.In the morning I capture priorities for the day, note things I am grateful for, what I want to be for the day (e.g. kind, focused, happy etc).

    In the evening I review my day, looking at progress, successes, things I could do better and finish by noting if I was better than yesterday.

  1. Trying not to worry or live my life according to others – complete with myself and improve every day.
  2. Focus on the positives and pursue my goals. (I took some time at the outset to review my goals, creating a vision board of where I want to get to).
  3. Ensuring persistent and consistent action on a daily basis
  4. Developing a growth and abundance mindset.
  5. Trusting my intuition. My intuition has never really let me down, but I have not always acted on.
  6. Constantly learning – I try and be productive on my tube trips to and from work by listening to at least one podcast a day.



I am sure there are many other key drivers to having a successful mindset but these steps above have all made a significant difference over the past few months.

Hopefully these are helpful tips that you can apply on your journey.