For some reason I was always intimidated about trying Barry’s Bootcamp UK classes. No idea why but I was. In June last year I set a goal to do 4 by the end of the year. The 1st class was tough but enjoyable in a crazy way. Was definitely out of my comfort zone. Surprisingly I managed to smash through the goal and do 8.
In 2019 I reset my goals ( only 12 classes this year – nothing crazy). Today crushed my 3rd one in the 4 1/2 weeks of this year so far)- so definitely on track.
Thanks to the trainers who have pushed me @katiecarroll.x @bootcampjemma @hannahlouiseluck #alexcastro and this year the absolute dynamo Victoria Walker
And on these sat mornings when I would prefer a lie in, I have forced myself to get up partly not to let down the treadmill speed merchant @thegeorgemacdonald who has been expecting me to go, but also because I love these classes.
The point of the message is to reinforce simple themes:
– don’t be intimidated by things- face them head on and go for it
– you don’t have to be the fastest ?♂️) or lift the heaviest weights ( ?️♂️)( definitely not me ?)
– focus on small gains each time and be better than last time
– if you can get someone to push you to get there firstly and secondly in the class that keeps you accountable.
Here’s to more classes in 2019 and looking forward to Canary Wharf opening