By making small changes to your thought patterns, you can make a huge difference in realising your potential. Wake up with a positive intention as it sets the tone for the day. Smile at a stranger although appreciate wearing a face mask in Covid times makes it harder.??.
How often do you criticize yourself or put yourself down and say you can’t or you aren’t good enough? You will be surprised what you can actually do if you give yourself the chance? #maxxmindset #mindset2success #jamesedwardscoaching #unlockyourpotential #pursueyourdreams #mindsetiseverything #mindsetshift #getoutofyourownway
You can think about many different ways to do things, talk yourself into reasons why you can’t do it now, and overthink it. The truth is the time will never be right. JUST START! TAKE THE FIRST STEP AND KEEP MOVING!
Your mindset is your set of beliefs that affects how you think, feel and behave. It is the foundation of your success and happiness. A confident mindset can help you become happy, successful, less anxious and unlock YOUR potential. A negative mindset can hold your back and prevent you from…
For some reason I was always intimidated about trying Barry’s Bootcamp UK classes. No idea why but I was. In June last year I set a goal to do 4 by the end of the year. The 1st class was tough but enjoyable in a crazy way. Was definitely out of my…
Achieving your goals successfully is a result of consistent and persistent action or as one of my favourite hashtags says #bebetterthanyesterday. Jumping in and out of things won’t build long term success.
The Evening Standard magazine in London, UK, ran this article (written by Rosamund Dean) in their 18th January edition. It made a lot of sense to me and I wanted to share it. The article summarised 6 areas where experts (gurus) provided ideas on how to implement small changes into…
We often play mind games or find excuses when we want to do something but procrastinate and delay starting or getting it done. this quote summarises that to a T.
Whenever we travel outside London, I am always keen to try new coffee places. Here are a few: Coast . Surf + Moto 91 Salterns Rd, Poole BH14 8BL, UK Great coffee shop in Poole @wearecoast. Great place for a coffee, bite to eat or some retail therapy The Paddle…
As we go into the crazy Christmas season, people don’t often give much thought to their goals and rather over indulge in festive food and drink so planning their goals for the next year is not really a consideration. I am personally not going to wait until January for this…